WARNING - By their nature, text files cannot include scanned images and tables. The process of converting documents to text only, can cause formatting changes and misinterpretation of the contents can sometimes result. Wherever possible you should refer to the pdf version of this document. CAIRNGORMS NATIONAL PARK AUTHORITY Finance Committee Paper 2 27/08/04 CAIRNGORMS NATIONAL PARK AUTHORITY FINANCE COMMITTEE Title: RATIFICATION OF EXPENDITURE JUSTIFICATIONS PREVIOUSLY CIRCULATED AND APPROVED IN PRINCIPLE BY CORRESPONDENCE Prepared by: ANDY RINNING, HEAD OF CORPORATE SERVICES Purpose To ratify four expenditure justifications circulated and approved in principle by correspondence earlier this month and to agree procedures for future project approvals that require action between the quarterly Finance Committee meetings Recommendations • That the Committee approve and sign the expenditure justifications. • That a procedure is agreed for future approvals that need to be given between quarterly Finance Committee meetings. Executive Summary Since the Finance Committee last met on May 7 the following expenditure justifications have been circulated and approved in principle by committee members by correspondence and formal ratification is now sought: Policy for CNPA to contribute funds towards meetings, £5,000 seminars, workshops or conferences within or concerning the Cairngorms National Park. Formal recognition for sustainable deer management. £15,000 (over 3 yrs) Contract for expert landscape advice £10,000 Laggan Challenging Off Road Cycle Route £15,000 To deal with future approvals required between Finance Committee meetings it is proposed that, wherever possible, supplementary Finance Committee papers are circulated with monthly Board papers in order that Finance Committee members have the opportunity to review the proposals and raise any queries or concerns with other Finance Committee members. Only in extremis will approval be sought between meetings by correspondencel. RATIFICATION OF EXPENDITURE JUSTIFICATIONS PREVIOUSLY CIRCULATED AND APPROVED BY CORRESPONDENCE Discussion 1. The Finance Committee meets four times a year and part of its remit is the approval of expenditure proposals. The timing of expenditure, the need in some cases to go out to tender and sometimes, depending on the value of the project, to receive Scottish Executive approval means that it is not always feasible to defer expenditure proposals until the next available Finance Committee meeting. 2. Formal ratification is now sought for the four proposals previously circulated and approved in principle by committee members. 3. In future, any decisions requiring action before the next Finance Committee meeting will, whenever possible, be circulated as a separate Finance Committee paper with the monthly Board papers. This will enable Finance Committee members to raise any concerns with other members face-to-face on the day of the Board meeting. The quorum for approval of any such decisions remains [a majority of Finance Committee members]. 4. A table of interim decisions made in the above way will be tabled at the next scheduled Finance Committee meeting and formally approved. At this meeting it is not proposed to circulate the full body of the expenditure justification as this will already heave been circulated. 5. In extremis, matters requiring immediate action will be circulated to Finance Committee members by e-mail and approval sought in this way. Park Authority staff will be advised that this method is only to be used as a last resort. Any decisions taken in this way will be formally tabled at the next Finance Committee meeting with full supporting documentation. ANDY RINNING 18 August 2004 andyrinning@cairngorms.co.uk